Are you a counsellor, psychotherapist or other professional looking for consultation, advice or support for working with clients with body image concerns or disordered eating?
Or perhaps you're from an organisation or media outlet looking for advice on work related to eating disorders or body image?
I offer one-off consultation sessions tailored to your needs.
Say you have a client who you think may be struggling with eating but you're not sure and just want to run it by someone. Or you want to explore a specific eating problem relating to a client, or would like to build your confidence in this area. This can be a beneficial "extra" to supervision if maybe your supervisor doesn't work in this field.
Or perhaps you're writing an article or making a film or documentary and need the advice of an eating disorder professional.
Or maybe you're looking to learn more generally about disordered eating and would like this to be specifically adapted to your line of work.
Whatever your needs, please get in touch so we can have a chat about how I can help and support you.
Consultation prices start at £65 per hour dependant on requirements.
Please note, this should not replace supervision (for counsellors), this is an additional service to help explore your clients needs and to build on your knowledge of disordered eating. We can also explore your feelings around this but please do consult your supervisor too.
Please get in touch via my contact form here. I can also offer workshops and training (online) for organisations or groups too, find out more on my workshops page.
Or perhaps you're from an organisation or media outlet looking for advice on work related to eating disorders or body image?
I offer one-off consultation sessions tailored to your needs.
Say you have a client who you think may be struggling with eating but you're not sure and just want to run it by someone. Or you want to explore a specific eating problem relating to a client, or would like to build your confidence in this area. This can be a beneficial "extra" to supervision if maybe your supervisor doesn't work in this field.
Or perhaps you're writing an article or making a film or documentary and need the advice of an eating disorder professional.
Or maybe you're looking to learn more generally about disordered eating and would like this to be specifically adapted to your line of work.
Whatever your needs, please get in touch so we can have a chat about how I can help and support you.
Consultation prices start at £65 per hour dependant on requirements.
Please note, this should not replace supervision (for counsellors), this is an additional service to help explore your clients needs and to build on your knowledge of disordered eating. We can also explore your feelings around this but please do consult your supervisor too.
Please get in touch via my contact form here. I can also offer workshops and training (online) for organisations or groups too, find out more on my workshops page.